"No Ordinary Soldier" is the working title for a documentary film about my father's (Charlie Green) service during WWII.

Dad was one of tens of thousands of eighteen-year old draftees who went from a high school desk to a foxhole in France in 1943-44. Like many of his comrades dad rarely spoke of the war when until nearly sixty years after it happened.

You can follow my progress on the film by reading;

No Ordinary Blog

Research, motivations, production notes and updates about No Ordinary Soldier

You can read the  story dad wrote over several months via email in 2000-2001 here:

One Soldier Remembers is the story as Charlie wrote it for his children.
I've annotated his original story with the research I have conducted over the past two years.

I created a website for his story 17 years ago and gave it to dad as a Christmas present. For years he heard from fellow soldiers and their families.